Wind Tunnel
High-grade wind tunnel facilities in Japan
AMB’s location in Japan provides our customers access to our in-house model shop and wind tunnel as well as many high-grade facilities at a much lower cost compared to Europe or USA. Our team is available to work hand in hand with your engineers via modern communications or independently, achieving your goals hands-free.
AMB Aero’s in house moving-belt wind tunnel started life as a proof of concept to reduce the development cost of vehicle manufacturing. It succeeded in changing the way aero is developed inside a major manufactuer. This technology is now available to all our customers.
Combined wind tunnel and CFD aero projects are simplified when they are all done in one location. The use of dual discipline development means all of our prototype technologies are multi-discipline validated before time and money are spent on their manufacture, reducing risk and cost overrun.
Inexpensive, high-accuracy, mid-scale moving belt wind tunnel facilities readily available locally in Japan. Our team is experienced in using facilities such as this one at Mooncraft.